Global Warming ‘Point of No Return’

A scientific study produces what may be alarming news about global warming.

Polar bears have less ice for hunting as temperatures rise.

The authors of the study say, “The world is already past a point of no return for global warming,” that even if human-caused greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced to zero temperatures may continue to rise for centuries. The study published in the British journal, Scientific Reports, says the only way to stop global warming now is to extract enormous amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Several other climate scientists are criticizing the study though, and the authors admit their computer model study is small, so they hope others will use bigger ones to explore their discoveries. Carmen Roberts. Fox News

Baby Shark Becomes Most-Viewed Video

Baby Shark eclipses Despacito to grab the most-viewed spot on YouTube.
The BBC says Pinkfong has earned more than 5 million dollars from YouTube streams alone.

Pinkfong’s enormously popular Baby Shark, friends and family.

Even if you don’t have children, you likely know the song from the video that’s become the most viewed ever on YouTube.

Baby shark. Doo doo doo …

The song, recorded by the company Pingfong in South Korea, has netted more than 7 billion views. The BBC calculated all those views and says if you put them end to end they would stretch for more than 30-thousand years!

It’s enough to make any parent…

Run away. Doo doo doo …

And before you think…

It’s the end. Doo doo doo …

It’s not. Baby Shark is set to launch a TV show next year.

Carmen Roberts.   Fox News.

Man Dies at “Not Dead Yet” Tour

(Feb 8) A concert tour by Phil Collins in New Zealand lives up to its name. Fox’s Carmen Roberts explains.

A man at a Phil Collins concert in New Zealand reportedly died but was resuscitated.
MUSIC: Against the odds
And what are the odds that the unidentified man would be brought back at the singer’s “Not Dead Yet” tour?
MUSIC: One more night…
One of the man’s family members told the New Zealand Herald he suffered a heart attack Wednesday and was clinically dead but an audience member revived him by giving CPR.
The Herald says the man’s recovering at a local hospital.
Carmen Roberts. Fox News

50 Years Ago Today The Beatles Sang From the Rooftop

(Jan 30) 50 years ago today, The Beatles played in public for the final time. Fox’s Carmen Roberts takes a look back.
On January 30th 1969 The Beatles rocked out on a rooftop in London.
Don’t let me down..
It was an unannounced live concert that no one on the street, five stories below could see. But they certainly could hear it from blocks away.
Like she does…
The band was in the midst of turbulent times, and on that cold, blustery day John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr had no way of knowing that performance from atop their record company, Apple Corp, would be the last time they would play together in public.

Carmen Roberts. Fox News