Opinion: Happiness Is the Way

As the Buddhist saying goes, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”

I can hear you now, “How can I be happy with so many pressures and obstacles bearing down on me?”  Yet, true happiness is an unshakable life condition that stays with you no matter what problems appear. When you tap into true happiness, otherwise known as enlightenment, it illuminates the rest of your life. You are happy even when you’re working to overcome life’s challenges.

Happiness is the way. Easy to say. Hard to live. Here are a few of helpers until you find your “way.”


* Waking up each day and appreciating what you have, rather than wishing for what you don’t is key.  Just the simple act of saying, “I’m thankful I have a bed to sleep in,” begins the process of being happy now.

* See your obstacles as opportunities.  Problems we face are a chance to change our  lives.  Understand that and you’re more than half the way there.

* Stay grounded. Literally! If you find yourself struggling, take a walk in nature. Sit on the ground, hug a tree or swim in the ocean. Your stress levels will start dropping immediately.

* Live through love not fear.


* Meditating is really reconnecting with your true self which gets bogged down and covered up by all the negativity in our lives.

* You don’t have to quiet your mind to meditate.  Whether you’re chanting or sitting quietly – focus on your thoughts whatever they are and breathe.  The calm or peace will eventually come.   There are many styles of meditating – so don’t be hesitant to add this to your life.

* Meditation raises your life condition and opens your life to all your inherent power.

* Though meditation you can also tap into the wisdom of the universe. Let’s not forget that intelligence is nothing without wisdom.  Knowing something is not the same as having the wisdom to use the information to create a better life for yourself and the world.

Help others

* The laws of karma are exact.  What goes around, comes around.  “Oh sure,” you say. “What about the guy who steals and never gets caught, or the woman who treats other people horribly and seems to be just fine?” They will definitely feel the effects of their causes, and beyond that. What makes you so sure they are not already suffering from their causes?

* Helping others makes you feel better about yourself, so it’s a win-win situation.

Stay in the now

* All you really have is this moment.

Unlike most things, when it comes to happiness – it’s not about the journey. It’s about the destination.