Opinion: No Tears or Cheers for Osama

Nearly 10 years after the attack on the World Trade Center jolted me awake in my nearby apartment, the United States finally found and killed the mastermind of the attack, Osama bin Laden.


Immediately I felt relief that the monster was dead. Bin Laden was responsible for ordering attacks that killed thousands of people around the world, including 3,000 on September 11.

I believe bin Laden’s evil karma finally caught up with him. His death is most certainly an effect of his horrible causes, even if the US Navy SEALs delivered the deadly blow. As a former Navy wife, I am especially touched by the SEALs’ bravery.

None of us has forgotten that bin Laden celebrated when he learned the WTC towers collapsed. Just looking at his picture used to make me physically ill, so I understand the happiness he is gone. It is normal for people to celebrate the destruction of evil, but I hope we will remember our humanity, our human dignity and not get too carried away. We should not celebrate the death of any living thing, even if the death is necessary.

And just because bin Laden’s gone, the threat is not. America is still a target. New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the city is still the No. 1 terrorist target. “We have to be alert for a potential attack based on the death of bin Laden and we are,” he said.

So while there is one less evil person on the planet, there is still a lot of danger. That said, I do not live my life in fear. In fact, I was one of the few people in my building who returned after the attack. I did not run, although I do not blame those who did. We each have to find our own path.

This is where I lived on 9/11, just three buildings south of WTC. My apartment building was the light-colored one bathed in sunlight.

I continued to live in my apartment just three buildings south of the World Trade Center site for nine years after the attack.

I moved last year, but not out of New York. I love this city and am proud of how we faced the most horrific attack imaginable and kept going. I’m part of that.

So while I am not dancing in the streets that Osama bin Laden is dead, I am glad he is gone. He will not be able to cause any more suffering and that is a very good thing.

Karmic justice served.


Read Carmen’s 9-11 Journey.